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Welcome to Year One!

Welcome to Year One.
I am Mrs Foord and this is Miss Cornish and Mrs Berbeiche - our lovely Assistant Educators.
Mrs Foord
Key dates for Term 3
Tuesdays and Thursdays are PE days
6th January - Term begins
15th January - Parent forum
3rd February - Mrs Mc Awards
12th February - Year one tasty table
14th February - Term 3 ends
Key dates for Term 4 (further dates may be added)
24th February -SDD
25th February - Term begins for the children
6th March - World book day
7th March - Year one class assembly
19th March - Parents evening
28th March - Academy awards
31st March - Year 1 and R stay and play
1st April - Mothers day afternoon tea
2nd April - Easter concert
3rd April - Easter church service
4th April - Silent Disco
Miss Cornish
Mrs Berbeiche
Our Long Term Plan
Our Term 3 Newsletter
Our Term 3 plan
Our Term 3 text map
Term 2
(please click to view previously shared documents)
Term 2 plan
Term 2 text map
Term 1
Term 1 plan
Term 1 text map
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