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Reading at Rodmersham 

We are very excited to share with you our page all about reading at Rodmersham and how, you as parents, can help your child/children at home.  Our new book vending machine has been a huge hit, combined with the Wishing Jar, our children are really loving their rewards for reading.  We have created reading spines in each of the classes so that we can ensure the children have an opportunity to enjoy some high quality texts and you can find them in our virtual library.  


To find out more about how we learning to read in the younger classes please click on the 'Our Phonic's page.

Characteristics of a good reader

Excellent phonic knowledge and skills.

•Fluency and accuracy in reading across a wide range of contexts throughout the curriculum.

•Knowledge of an extensive and rich vocabulary.

•An excellent comprehension of texts.

•The motivation to read for both study and for pleasure.

•Extensive knowledge through having read a rich and varied range of texts.

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Please click here to read  our latest Reading Newsletter - 2022

Please click here to read  our latest Reading Newsletter - 2023

Helping your child/ren to read at home

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Probably the most valuable thing that you can do to support your child in their learning is listening to them read. Ideally we would love to have children read to an adult every day and although we read with your child as part of their English lessons and weekly in a small group, however we are unable to offer the quality one-to-one sessions you provide at home so we really value your support in this area.  We have a created a leaflet to support you which you can access by clicking on the picture .

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AR is part of the Renaissance Reading software package recently adopted by the school to encourage and improve reading, measure growth of the individual reader and to provide quality reading for all.  It allows for personalised learning targets to be set up and for progress to be easily monitored. This short guide will help you to understand the system better so that you can support your child with their reading by clicking on the picture you will find out more about AR and how it works. 

Text Maps

Below you will find our 'work in progress' text maps.  They help to explain what books we are studying in class, and what books will be in our book corners and used as a stimuli for our written work.  

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Year R

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 5

Year 6

Writing in your child's reading record book
We know how challenging it can be sometimes to think of things to pop into the reading record so we have created a little bank of sentences and ideas to help.


Family                Fairness               Fearless

Headteacher:  Mrs N McMullon

Rodmersham Green, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME9 0PS

T:  (01795) 423776   

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